Thursday, February 04, 2010

Music to my ears...

I can't tell you how many people stop me in the pool to ask what I'm wearing. I swim in two locations three or four times a week and its very rare that I don't get asked once or twice on each occassion.

Simplistically, its a rubber case for my shuffle, so I can swim lap upon lap to my chosen swim playlist and 'drown' out the rest of the pool so I can concentrate on my work out.

I've never not worked out to music, so when I started swimming it was a must find for me, and I didn't have to look that hard. Do a Google search for 'waterproof shuffle' and there are plenty of suppliers.

Needless to say- given my shuffle was only £35 the device in its entirety costs more, £30 for the case and £20 for the earplugs but its been worth every penny.

If you swim regularly and want something to stimulate your mind whilst swimming lap upon lap, give this a go. I'm in the pool twice as long as I usually would be, working out to my favourite tracks and as a by product getting very fit indeed!

Try it.

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